Tuesday 24 September 2013

Why I Would Recommend Studying Abroad

Today, we had a skype conversation with another English class from Lesotho. Some of the students introduced themselves, and they did it quite well! In their class, there were two exchange students from Norway so we talked a little bit with them aswell. The topics that we talked about were mostly ambitious, but we also talked about what it was like to be an exchange student in Lesotho. They seemed to be having a great time, planning to go sightseeing, among other things the next day. While studying in Lesotho, a country so distant and different from Norway, they must be confronting new and unfamiliar impulses every day. To me, that sounds like a very exciting and informative experience that i certainly believe everyone should consider having.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Novel Review - The Raft

The Raft is a novel by Peter Orner. The whole story is concerning the dialogue between the me character, who is a 13 year old boy, and his grandfather, an ex-captain on a destroyer ship during World War II. Basicly, the story is conveyed by the me-character, who is retelling an event from the past, so the story is told in present tense! I liked this, because it made it much easier to understand what actually happened. In the event, the grandfather is telling a horrible secret to the young me-character. The grandfather's personality is displayed as strict and mean, a real military tough-nut, but conscientious. His mean personality is well displayed when he says: "Just because I'm smiling, don't assume I couldn't kill you right now. Know that about a man.", very ironic and heartless, telling the boy to him to take this message very seriously. 

From the start of the story he tells us that he is a former military captain from World War II. Once he mentions World War II it is obvious to me that he is going to tell us of some bloody incident. This is in my opinion what sets the climax of the story, because throughout the story I am just waiting for the grandfather to finally reveal the horrible truth, which he eventually does.

The themes of this story are in my opinion conscientiousness and regret. These feelings are probably what leads him into telling the boy this awful story. He knows that the decision he made back in the day was a big mistake, and he needs to let somebody know so that he can get it off his heart and lighten the burden.

Thinkb4u.com - Informative Site for Noobs

Thinkb4u.com seems in my opinion to be an internet site made to inform people about the use of modern technology in the everyday life, as well as working as a good guide for internet awareness. The title of the site is obviously an anagram, meaning "think before you", without including the "act". This further confirms my opinion on the purpose of the site, a guide for internet awareness. Why? Because thinking before you act on the internet is severely important. Some mistakes made on the internet can never be erased. Newer generations with less experience are naturally more exposed to making these sorts of mistakes, but fortunately for them, this site is very friendly and fun to navigate through. This makes all of the important information easily accessible for both inexperienced parents and children. Whenever one is in need of help or counseling with any either ethical or practical problem regarding, for instance, ones' kids' excessive playing on the gaming console, thinkb4u has very helpful answers. Thinkb4u provides great advice regarding all kinds of modern technology, and i think it could work as a strong component to preventing unintentional accidents on the internet. Therefore, i recommend everyone who are inexperienced or confused with new technology to pay thinkb4u.com a visit.